Hearing loss is a condition that can be complicated to treat. There are 2 types of hearing loss. They are conductive hearing loss and sensorineural hearing loss. You can either of these or have both at the same time. Many people are already aware of both types of hearing loss. However, what many people are…

Diabetes and hearing loss are an unlikely pair. Most people likely think that these 2 have no connection.  But did you know there actually is a connection between diabetes and hearing loss? That is right; there is a connection between diabetes and your hearing. But how exactly do diabetes and hearing loss connect? And more…

Vertigo and hearing loss are two different conditions many people do not think are closely related. Hearing loss, from the name itself, is the loss of your hearing senses. Hearing loss may either be permanent or just temporary. Hearing loss does not necessarily equate to deafness.  On the other hand, vertigo is the spinning sensation…

Ear infections are a relatively common ailment that kids often experience at a younger age.  Ear infections have a handful of painful symptoms that are not only limited to the ear. You may experience ear drainage, unsteadiness, fever, and even diarrhea. But what kind of long-lasting damage can ear infections cause? For example, some wonder,…

Hearing issues are common. In fact, according to the NIDCD, 15% of all adults in the U.S. report having trouble hearing. Yet, one of the most common hearing problems is tinnitus.  But exactly what is tinnitus? This article will delve into tinnitus and give you a plain-English overview of what it is, why it occurs,…

Have you ever considered the connection between our ears and our teeth? Well, our oral and auditory health are more connected than you might think.  For example, you may have heard there is a link between toothaches and hearing loss. So, is that true? Can a toothache cause hearing loss? This article will answer that…

Can Tinnitus Be Cured? Do you have tinnitus?  Many people who have tinnitus describe a persistent buzzing, hissing, or ringing sound in their ears. And since this condition is so relentless, you may wonder, can tinnitus be cured? This article will answer that question and provide an overview of some key facts about this condition as…

Most people love to go to concerts. As humans, we are incredibly connected to sound and rhythm. Which makes one of the greatest pleasures in life being surrounded by live musicians and music.   We love to watch them live in front of our eyes and create the best moments. We want to hear their music…